Are you looking to create a professional recording? Maybe you have a single, E.P or album you want to produce? We have been working for decades honing our skills in studio recording, engineering, producing, mixing and mastering. We can deliver in each aspect of the recording process with efficiency and excellence.
We have a great selection of microphones available for recording acoustic drums at the studio. Employing all of the current industry techniques, we can produce the best quality drum sounds and even drum replace where needed.
We have thousands of guitar tones at our disposal with our array of Kemper Profiler tones ready to be dialled in. We also have options to mic amps and cabs if the artist requires it. We have lots of options for Bass tones too.
We strive to get the best performances out of each musician while at the same time demonstrating efficiency within the allotted studio time available.
If you’re looking to discuss a project or want to know our studio rates then please hit the contact button below!
Have a specific project in mind? Get in touch with us!