silver package lyric videos
This package offers the most affordable option for clients. A lyric video consists of carefully selected fonts (which will be agreed with the client) which are animated over stock photos or stock footage and combined with post visual effects for a successful outcome.
For an example of a Silver Package Lyric Video click below.

illustrated lyric videos
This unique service allows you to bring your creative vision alive through the medium of illustration. We can tailor the illustration to your specific requirements for the lyric video. This option allows for up to 12 illustrated pieces which are then combined with carefully selected fonts that are animated. Post fx work is then applied for a successful outcome.
For an example of an Illustraed lyric video click below.

Bronze package lyric videos
Perhaps you need a quick turnaround and want to limit your expenditure? This Bronze package Lyric Video could be the answer. A continuous screen with album artwork, audio play bar reacting to your music with lyrics animated to the left or right of the screen coupled with post fx for a successful outcome.
For an example of a Bronze Package Lyric Video click below.

Track visualisers
Perhaps you need a quick turnaround and want to limit your expenditure? A track visualiser could be the answer. A continuous screen with album artwork, audio play bar reacting to your music coupled with post fx for a successful outcome.